Even the Smallest Roof Leak After a Storm Can Lead To Dangerous Mold!
Discovering a leak in your roof usually doesn't happen until it is too late and water damage has already occured inside the home. Most people do not get their roof inspected often enough as the roof on our homes is not typically on top of our minds all of the time. It is important to recognize that one 2 minute blasting of hail can cause enough damage to your roof to need at least general repairs, if not an entire mew roof, and if it is not dealt with, the problem gets worse over time and can expose your family to structural issues with your home, and dangerous conditions in general. The good news is that getting a proper roof inspection performed at least once a year can identify damaged sections of the roof before they lead to water seeping into your home, and prevent any internal water damage. So you may ask, why is this so important? The reason actually goes beyond the aesthetic issues that arise with water spots in the ceiling or walls after a roof leak, and moves into a far more dangerous issue, an invisible problem if you will, mold.
As we all know, mold and mildew growth inside the home can be devastating, but most of us who have experienced any level of water damage whether it is from a leaky roof, or other water damage emergency, have never had a mold inspection! Mold and mildew that occur as a result of a roof leak typically do not form where we can see them, instead they form in crawl spaces, behind the walls, in the attic, in corners of the basement, anywhere that is dark and damp, and those places typically are not easily visible to the naked eye. If you have had any water damage in your home in recent memory, even if it appears benign as a small water spot on some surface of your interior structure, you should contact an Atlanta mold remediation specialist to inspect those hidden nooks and crannys for mold growth. So why is it so imperative to have your home ispected for mold if you have had water damage? Here are some of the health issues that the spores from the mold can inflict on your family:
If you and your family have found yourselves with more of these symptoms than usual this year, there is no reason not to have your home inspected for mold, and have your roof inspected for leaks. A professional Atlanta water damage restoration company as well as a good Atlanta Roofer can solve both issues for you and ensure the continued safety of your home and of your family. Even if you have none of the aforementioned symptoms yet, have your roof inspected by a pro, and have your home inspected for mold, with many companies like ACS Contracting in Atlanta offering free estimates and inspections for both, there is no reason not to have it done.
About the Author:Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Leaks in Your Atlanta Roof Can Lead to More than Just Water Damage